Midwestern subsidiary, Mart Umusadege Resources unveils new brand identity

Mart Umusadege Resources Nigeria Limited (MURNL) has unveiled a new brand identity for the business following its 100% acquisition by Midwestern Oil and Gas, the parent company of the erstwhile tripartite partnership, The Guardian reports.

Prior to the acquisition, Midwestern Oil and Gas, Mart Resources and Suntrust Oil Company, operated a tripod strategic alliance, operating at the Umusadege field, at the northern area of Delta State.

According to the Managing Director, Midwestern Oil and Gas, Charles Odita, the rebranding was very important for them to create an image that would represent Mart as a fully nationalized company that is strategically positioned to play a major role in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria.

Going down memory lane, he said, “Mart Umusadege Resources Nigeria Limited used to be Mart Resources Inc. an international upstream oil and gas company which explores for, acquires, develops, and produces oil and gas in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”